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Almost every action we take is the result of past learning yet, for some people, learning still remains an activity undertaken in, or associated with, an educational context.

Traditionally, research and studies around learning focused primarily on early-years learning through childhood and adolescence.

However, it is now recognised that learning is a continuous process that commences at birth and continues until death; it is the process through which we use our experience to deal with new situations and to develop relationships.

Many experiences in life provide us with learning opportunities from which we can choose whether or not to learn.

This type of experiential learning is in contrast to more formal approaches to learning such as training, mentoring, coaching and teaching, all of which have some type of structure in that they are planned learning involving a facilitator.

Learning occurs when we are able to:

  1. Gain a mental or physical grasp of the subject.
  2. Make sense of a subject, event or feeling by interpreting it into our own words or actions.
  3. Use our newly acquired ability or knowledge in conjunction with skills and understanding we already possess.
  4. Do something with the new knowledge or skill and take ownership of it.

Key Principles of Learning

There are a vast range of theories that attempt to explain and demonstrate the way that people learn.

Such theories can often contrast with each other depending on the type of learning they describe, for example traditional learning theories associated with children and adolescents engaged in ‘schooling’ may differ from theories associated with adult learning.

People learn best when their physical environment is comfortable. In group situations a positive emotional and supportive environment is also important; individuals in groups tend to learn best when they can socialise and interact with other group members.

Interaction with a facilitator is vital. People need to be able to react, question and voice opinions on what they are learning. Generally, in group situations, quieter members should be gently encouraged for their input.

Learning activities and/or delivery need to be varied, to cover the range of different learning styles and help the learner maintain interest and motivation. In a classroom setting, for example, including discussions or other activities, especially some sort of problem solving, as part of a lesson or lecture will enable learners to interact and engage with the subject.

Instant rewards help. People learn best if the results and/or rewards of learning are made clear and can be demonstrated during or immediately after the learning experience.

Self-evaluation and reflective practice is important. Learners should be encouraged to reflect on what they have learnt and think about ways that they can further their knowledge. See our page: Reflective Practice for more information.

The PACT Learning Cycle

Many attempts have been made by academics and others to map and explain the learning processes. It is generally recognised that learning takes place in a repetitive cycle, an ongoing series of processes.

The PACT learning cycle stages are:

  1. Procure. New knowledge (theory) or ability (skill) is acquired.
  2. Apply. The new knowledge or skill is then practiced in some way.
  3. Consider. The results of the practice are evaluated and/or assessed.
  4. Transform. The original knowledge or ability is modified accordingly.

The PACT cycle should help to demonstrate that learning is an iterative process: our learning evolves as we develop and we utilise early knowledge for later understanding.

There are many examples of these processes in action - usually we learn the basics of a subject or skill before progressing to intermediate, advanced and ultimately expert levels. At each stage we build on the knowledge and experience we have already acquired, gaining further knowledge, experience or techniques and repeating the learning cycle