1 minute read

Before you start taking any notes be clear about why you are attending the talk or meeting. Basically what are you hoping to learn or gain from it.

Think of your notes as a guide to your learning and development after the event. You notes form part of a working document that you’ll return to and add to later.

  • Think about whether or not a point is noteworthy before you write it down – do not take notes for the sake of taking notes.
  • Do not write down everything. Concentrate on the key points, remain alert and attentive and listen to what is being said.
  • Write in your own style and use your own words, as long as you can read your notes later and they make sense to you. Your personal note-writing system will evolve and improve with practice.
  • Try to use short concise points, single words or phrases or short sentences, use bullet or numbered lists if necessary.
  • Write down in full, key information that can’t be shortened: names, contact details, dates, URL’s, references, book titles, formulas etc.
  • Use abbreviations to help you – just note what they mean!
  • Use underlining, indentation, circle words or phrases, use highlighter pens.
  • Use some sort of shorthand system that you will understand later – develop this system as you become more skilled at note-taking.
  • Don’t panic if you miss something. Note down that you have missed something to remind you to do this.


Once the event has finished, you should review and, where necessary, rework your notes. Fill in any gaps, adding content and further research to your notes. If your notes are handwritten you may want to type them into a computer. The more you interact with your notes the more you will remember and ultimately learn.

If possible share and/or compare your notes with a colleague or peer. Discuss your understandings and fill in any gaps together.