2 minute read

Puppet is a cross-platform client-server based application used for configuration management. It handles the software and its configurations on multiple servers.

It uses a declarative approach to automate updates, installations, and other tasks. This feature allows the software to configure those systems using files called manifests.

A manifest contains the instructions for a group or type of server(s) being controlled.

Advantages of Puppet

These are the main advantages of Puppet:

  1. Puppet saves time by increasing deployment speed.
  2. Unlike other tools, it keeps abreast of configuration changes at regular intervals, which increases security. (after configuration deployment in any system)
  3. It uses an easy to learn language called DSL (or Domain Specific Language) to manage host configurations.
  4. It grants DevOps admins the ability to create unique configurations for each host and layouts and configuration designs for multiple hosts.
  5. Puppet is an inexpensive means of solving configuration bottlenecks and speed delays.
  6. It easily integrates with other tools and infrastructures.

How Does Puppet Work?

Puppet has a simple client/server architecture workflow process. The master server contains all the information about configurations for various nodes. It stores these configurations in manifest files in a central server called a Puppet master and executes those manifests on the remote client servers called agents.

  • Master Puppet server: This server processes information connected to each agent using a configuration file and manages deployment and configurations on the agents.
  • Puppet agent: This is the server software which is managed by the master
  • Facts: These are global variables that contain details about each server, such as OS, network interfaces, etc. They are used to analyze the current status of any node.
  • Catalog: All configurations managed by Puppet are compiled into a catalog. Later, these catalogs are used to configure a target system.
  • Manifests: These are files in which resource info is stored. A manifest contains information about services, packets, files that need to be checked and edited. Manifests have .pp extension.
  • Modules: Modules are a set of files in a manifest, organized to facilitate cooperative ease of use.
  • Puppet classes: As in other programming languages, classes use repetitive code sections to organize it for increased reading and understanding.
  • Resources in Puppet block code encoding are defined by announcing resources where they can represent packets, files, users, or commands.
  • Nodes: Nodes are the managed servers that have the client installed.

Why is Puppet Used in DevOps?

  • Puppet applies the model of continuous delivery to the software release cycle by automating operations and working process of deployment
  • Idle time caused by issues with configuration is minimized or can be avoided as the speed of system recovery is high thanks to Puppet and other automation systems for servers management
  • Unlike scripts, Puppet can work well in large infrastructures and automates repetitive tasks easily; also, it’s well-supported
  • Puppet has broad sectoral support in Cloud and DevOps ecosystems and is often applied in automation.


