3 minute read

Proxy is a structural design pattern that lets you provide a substitute or placeholder for another object. A proxy controls access to the original object, allowing you to perform something either before or after the request gets through to the original object.

Why would you want to control access to an object? Here is an example: you have a massive object that consumes a vast amount of system resources. You need it from time to time, but not always.

You could implement lazy initialization: create this object only when it’s actually needed. All of the object’s clients would need to execute some deferred initialization code. Unfortunately, this would probably cause a lot of code duplication.

In an ideal world, we’d want to put this code directly into our object’s class, but that isn’t always possible. For instance, the class may be part of a closed 3rd-party library.


The Proxy pattern suggests that you create a new proxy class with the same interface as an original service object. Then you update your app so that it passes the proxy object to all of the original object’s clients. Upon receiving a request from a client, the proxy creates a real service object and delegates all the work to it.

But what’s the benefit? If you need to execute something either before or after the primary logic of the class, the proxy lets you do this without changing that class. Since the proxy implements the same interface as the original class, it can be passed to any client that expects a real service object.

Real-World Analogy

A credit card is a proxy for a bank account, which is a proxy for a bundle of cash. Both implement the same interface: they can be used for making a payment. A consumer feels great because there’s no need to carry loads of cash around. A shop owner is also happy since the income from a transaction gets added electronically to the shop’s bank account without the risk of losing the deposit or getting robbed on the way to the bank.

When should you use it ?

  • Lazy initialization (virtual proxy). This is when you have a heavyweight service object that wastes system resources by being always up, even though you only need it from time to time.
  • Access control (protection proxy). This is when you want only specific clients to be able to use the service object; for instance, when your objects are crucial parts of an operating system and clients are various launched applications (including malicious ones).
  • Local execution of a remote service (remote proxy). This is when the service object is located on a remote server.
  • Logging requests (logging proxy). This is when you want to keep a history of requests to the service object.
  • Caching request results (caching proxy). This is when you need to cache results of client requests and manage the life cycle of this cache, especially if results are quite large.

How to Implement

  1. If there’s no pre-existing service interface, create one to make proxy and service objects interchangeable. Extracting the interface from the service class isn’t always possible, because you’d need to change all of the service’s clients to use that interface. Plan B is to make the proxy a subclass of the service class, and this way it’ll inherit the interface of the service.
  2. Create the proxy class. It should have a field for storing a reference to the service. Usually, proxies create and manage the whole life cycle of their services. On rare occasions, a service is passed to the proxy via a constructor by the client.
  3. Implement the proxy methods according to their purposes. In most cases, after doing some work, the proxy should delegate the work to the service object.
  4. Consider introducing a creation method that decides whether the client gets a proxy or a real service. This can be a simple static method in the proxy class or a full-blown factory method.
  5. Consider implementing lazy initialization for the service object.