1 minute read

Historically PHP, unlike other programming languages, has never had a standard that establishes how code should be written and structured. This has led to problems and confusion such as the famous order of the arguments of the explode and implode functions and that the convention for naming variables, the number of spaces used for tabs or the definition of if-else control blocks varies from developer to developer. other.

As you know, maintaining the same standard, in addition to reinforcing the feeling of community, helps write better quality code that is maintainable in the long term. Furthermore, it is one of the pillars on which teamwork should be based, because if all members adopt the same “style guide”, the learning time when working with someone else’s code will be much shorter.

What are PSRs?

PSRs (PHP Standards Recommendations) define a set of standards that facilitate application development and interoperability between projects.

Who defines the PSRs?

PHP-FIG aims to promote the PHP ecosystem and define standards based on research, experimentation and above all on real world experience, to facilitate collaboration between programmers and projects.

Members of PHP-FIG are people, projects and organizations known and recognized in the PHP world.

The organizations that belong to the group have shown a real interest in supporting the mission, objectives and work of the FIG.

The belonging projects must be released with known real implementations.

The group is not fixed and closed, but is open to new incorporations and exits of those who are already in, so that a member project can renounce belonging to PHP-FIG when it deems it appropriate and can reapply for its incorporation when it does. want.


