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When we talk about Cloud Applications, Micro-services often come to mind. This is an architecture style where multiple micro-services i.e. remote APIs or third-party services are composed to perform dedicated functions to provide a particular functionality to a client application.

In such a setup, synchronously processing the client request before all the back end work is completed may not always be feasible. This is especially true in the case of long-running processes. Furthermore, latency also becomes a consideration when the response to the client needs to be a few milliseconds.

Solution: Asynchronous Processing (HTTP Polling or Event Notification)

  • The client makes an API request
  • The application now offloads the work to another back end service or message queue
  • The client can poll for the resource/process status using an HTTP GET (HTTP Polling) at regular intervals as appropriate for the client application
  • The status API returns “In-Progress” indicating the back end process is still running
  • Once the process completes, the status will return the required output or another reference to the resource
  • The application can also push event notifications once the process is complete without the need for the client to poll repeatedly
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